
albert abraham mustow(masho) DU FEU {M} = mary elizaberth VINCENT {F}

Married 23 April 1861, St.James Church, Ratcliff, Stepney, England.

albert abraham mustow(masho) DU FEU

Born 28 January 1835, Guernsey
Died 27 December 1907, Waller, Ross, Ohio,USA.
Buried Greenlawn, Chillicothe, Ohio

mary elizaberth VINCENT

Alias mary elizaberth DU FEU
Alias mary elizaberth SULLIVAN
Born 6 May 1831, Stepney, London
Died 14 April 1916, Chillicothe, Ohio, USA.
Burried Greenlawn cemetery, Ohio.


elizabeth matilda DU FEU {F}

Born 6 September 1861, Stepney, England
Died 9 September 1922, Washington Courthouse, Ohio.
Buried Greenlawn Cemetery, Ohio

albert george edwin DU FEU {M} = lucy BEHYMER {F} > Family

Married 11 August 1893, Chillicothe, Ross, Ohio, USA.

albert george edwin DU FEU

Born 14 April 1867, Stepney, England.
Died 14 December 1937, Chillocothe, Ohio, USA.
Buried Greenlawn Cemetery. Ohio, USA


Alias lucy DU FEU
Born 20 November 1870, Clermont, Ohio, USA
Died 23 May 1937, Chillicothe, Ross, Ohio, USA.

edward william reader (ed christopher) DU FEU {M} = emma louise WATSON {F} > Family

edward william reader (ed christopher) DU FEU

Born 9 February 1873, Springfield

emma louise WATSON

Alias leona DU FEU
Born 10 February 1878

edwin r DU FEU {M} = > Family

ellen DU FEU {F} = STANLEY {M} > Family

ellen DU FEU

Alias nellie (ellen) STANLEY


Albert landed in the US 4th July, 1871 and applied for Americain citizenship 9th Oct 1879, granted 10th Oct 1881.